difficult or impossible to control, use or manipulate
Step 1 : We admitted
that we were powerless over our addition(s) and compulsive behaviors, that our
lives had become unmanageable.
Welcome back folks.
Last time we introduced a question that one of our followers had sent in
concerning the April 5, 2013 post. So,
for clarification purposes we spent that post explaining a huge misconception
in the Recovery Arena. Many of us
believe that we lose things like our license, job, home, etc. because of our
addiction(s). However, the Truth is, we
don’t lose anything due to our
addiction/compulsive behaviors, we give
them up and/or away.
Now, having dispelled that misconception, let’s take another
look at that question and finish answering it.
Q. So, are you saying that I have to lose everything in
order to recover?
A. Since everyone’s bottom is different –NO – not everyone
will have to give away their home, job, dignity, family, self-respect, health,
etc. in order to recover from their addiction/compulsive behaviors.
Remember, we are talking about “our lives had become
unmanageable”. For those of us in the
group that have given everything away, we may believe that we understand
“unmanageable” better that those that haven’t.
If you are blessed enough to be in the group that entered Recovery “intact”,
you might feel that unmanageable doesn’t apply to you.
Both groups are wrong!
While giving away our home, job, family, etc. is a result of
unmanageable it is not the problem. The
problem isn’t our drinking/using either.
The problem here is and what we all need to realize in order to
successfully Recover lays in the definition of unmanageable - “Impossible to
control, use or manipulate”.
This brings us to another even more dangerous misconception
about “unmanageable”.
That is where we will pick it up next time.
Until then ……. be sure to
tell a friend about us.
Thanks for visiting us –
come back soon.
Remember: “It is what it is and “it ain’t nothing but
a thing!”
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