Welcome to Your Daily Fix Blog

Our primary purpose is to help others who are suffering from addictions, hurts and other destructive issues by carrying the message of Hope to them.

ATTENTION: While working through the 12 Steps is NOT a race, we realize that not everyone works at the same pace. Therefore, we offer individual assistance - just contact us.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Recovery - Part 3

Recovery: restoration or return to any former and better condition

Last time we looked at a short list of what Recovery Is Not and we left off by introducing three character traits that are essential to your Recovery. 

Let’s take a brief look at these traits and their meaning.

         Willingness- Entering into a Recovery, rehab or 12 Step Program can be unsettling and scary.  You know - that element of the unknown and unfamiliar - the whole getting out of our comfort   zone thing.  This is understandable and that is why your “willingness”, your “freedom from reluctance” is so important.  If one is hesitant, if one’s mind is not ready to accept new ideas, then the probably of one’s success in Recovery is almost nil. 

         Open-mindedness – To best explain this term we will have to break it down.  First, open means to become receptive to knowledge.  Next, since mindedness isn’t in my dictionary we will use mind set.  This is a mental attitude that determines how one will interpret and respond to situations.  So putting them together for the purpose of Recovery, open-mindedness basically refers to one’s positive mental attitude toward being receptive to new knowledge.

         Honesty- Exercising this trait is where the rubber meets the road.  Honesty is the most important of these three traits.  Without rigorous honesty, with yourself first and then with others, you Will Not Recover.  Period!!

That is where we will pick it up next time..

Join us again soon as we discuss more about Recovery and your comments about it. 

Until then ……. be sure to tell a friend about us.

Thanks for visiting us – come back soon.

Remember:  “It is what it is and “it ain’t nothing but a thing!” 


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