"A desire accompanied by the expectation of fulfillment or success."
Last time we left off with a statement about me. We will get back to that later. But first let me share parts of a story with you about a man who had given up all Hope only to re-discover Real Hope. (Due to time I’ve condensed this down quite a bit.)
First a little background information on our fellow. Here was a man that, by modern day standards, had a pretty successful life. He had a stable family, a nice home and a successful business. He was highly thought of in the community and an active church member.
Skip ahead some years. Then life sort of takes a dump on him. His father passes away, his precious little girl, 17 now, meets the wrong guy and starts going crazy and leaves home and his marriage of 19 years goes down the toilet.
Fast forward a bit more. His "A" student with scholarship daughter is barely going to graduate now and without her scholarship, the business that he left his career to come home and help his father with was sold out from underneath him. Did I mention that unknown to the children his father changed his will and left everything to the step-mom. And our man has started drinking.
Fast forward some more. Now our man has given away several good jobs, he is shunned in the community that once loved him, his darling daughter is now pregnant and unwed, his son quits high school, he has stopped going to church and he is now living out his new found addiction.
Moving ahead a few more years, he now finds himself homeless, jobless, family less, penniless, hopeless and living in a full blown addiction to alcohol.
Skip ahead a bit more. Now he is as down and out as any person can get (so he thought) and decides to borrow a pistol from one of his drinking buddies. Sitting in a drunken state, thinking about his life past and present, he loads the pistol, and puts it into his mouth. Anything had to be better that this pain he thinks.
OK, no he didn’t pull the trigger there was an interruption. Or as I call them “a God thing” happened. So now we skip forward about a week and a half. And you know how you hear someone say “things just can’t get any worse”? Well, don’t ever say that because they can. After everything that our man has been through, he gets busted for DUI (2nd offense) his vehicle gets impounded and he gets locked up. I don’t know about you but if anyone had a reason to feel hopeless and helpless, I’d say that our man did. SO now here he is on the street, facing jail time, no money, no family, no real friends and what does he do? Well he finds some cans to sell and scraps up enough money to purchase a bottle of booze, and he drinks himself into another blackout. Upon coming to he again starts recounting his life and again contemplates killing himself. After all, everyone had disowned him; he is helpless, homeless, jobless, and hopeless. Besides would it really matter if he were dead? At least he would not have to deal with the pain of all the trouble that he and his addiction has caused himself. So what do you think happened to our man?
Well, by the Grace of God, he didn’t do it. As a matter of fact the post that you are reading on this blog has been written by the man we just discussed. Yep, it’s yours truly. (More of that story forth coming.) So when I tell you that there Is Not a problem, situation, or circumstance that is hopeless, it’s really the voice of experience talking.
In closing, let me reiterate, no matter what you have done or are doing….no matter what you may think and no matter what you have been told- you are valuable and you have worth. Do Not Believe Otherwise!!! And you are not hopeless nor are you helpless. If you are reading this, then There is Hope.
Until next time. Be sure to tell a friend about us
Remember: It is what it is and “it ain’t nothing but a thing”!
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