“We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction/compulsive behavior –
that our lives had become unmanageable."
Welcome back folks.
Today we begin our Recap on Step 1.
Although each Step is vital to our Recovery, Step 1 is the only Step
that has to be worked perfectly. There
is no room for short cuts, flaws, just getting by or good enough and no reserve
with this Step if we are to Recover.
Many have entered into our rooms and sat at our tables
with the notion that “here” they would learn how to control their
drinking/using. Our fellowship, if you
work it, will show you how to Recover, but we will not and cannot show you how
to continue to use in a controllable manner.
This misconception has proved fatal for many. If we are truly addicted, there is no magic
formula to teach us how to control our continued use and abuse of our DOC.
As we have mentioned in this blog many times,
drinking/using isn’t our real problem.
It is only a symptom of something much deeper. Many of us have abstained for periods of
time. Some of us for long periods only
to pick up/use again.
If you have looked, none of the 12 Step Recovery Programs
even mention “abstinence” in their first Step. Ever wondered why? It’s because while abstinence from our Doc is
a start it isn’t the solution to our problem.
Abstinence alone will not lead us to Recovery.
What leads us to Recovery is the realization and
conviction of what we state in that First Step. “We admitted that we were
powerless over our addiction that our lives had become unmanageable.
That’s where we will pick it up next time.
Until then ……. be sure to tell a friend about us.
Thanks for visiting us – come back soon.
Remember: “It is
what it is and “it ain’t nothing but a thing!”