Welcome to Your Daily Fix Blog

Our primary purpose is to help others who are suffering from addictions, hurts and other destructive issues by carrying the message of Hope to them.

ATTENTION: While working through the 12 Steps is NOT a race, we realize that not everyone works at the same pace. Therefore, we offer individual assistance - just contact us.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Step 1 - Recap 1

Step 1: “We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction/compulsive behavior – that our lives had become unmanageable."

Welcome back folks.  Today we begin our Recap on Step 1.  Although each Step is vital to our Recovery, Step 1 is the only Step that has to be worked perfectly.  There is no room for short cuts, flaws, just getting by or good enough and no reserve with this Step if we are to Recover.

Many have entered into our rooms and sat at our tables with the notion that “here” they would learn how to control their drinking/using.  Our fellowship, if you work it, will show you how to Recover, but we will not and cannot show you how to continue to use in a controllable manner.

This misconception has proved fatal for many.  If we are truly addicted, there is no magic formula to teach us how to control our continued use and abuse of our DOC.

As we have mentioned in this blog many times, drinking/using isn’t our real problem.  It is only a symptom of something much deeper.  Many of us have abstained for periods of time.  Some of us for long periods only to pick up/use again.

If you have looked, none of the 12 Step Recovery Programs even mention “abstinence” in their first Step.  Ever wondered why?  It’s because while abstinence from our Doc is a start it isn’t the solution to our problem.  Abstinence alone will not lead us to Recovery.

What leads us to Recovery is the realization and conviction of what we state in that First Step. “We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction that our lives had become unmanageable.

That’s where we will pick it up next time.

Until then ……. be sure to tell a friend about us.

Thanks for visiting us – come back soon.

Remember:  “It is what it is and “it ain’t nothing but a thing!”      

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day

From Your Daily Fix - A heartfelt "Thank You" to all of our military, those who are no longer with us as well as those who are, for your service to this country so that we might enjoy the freedoms we have today. 


Friday, May 24, 2013

Step One - Interrupt

Unmanageable: difficult or impossible to control, use or manipulate

Step 1: We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction(s) and compulsive behavior, that our lives had become unmanageable.

Welcome back folks.  Before we begin our recap on Step 1, we need to take a moment to address an issue that we have experienced here at Your Daily Fix Blog. 

First, we need to apologize to one of our readers.  Someone anonymously submitted a question and due to a procedural mishap we just recently discovered it.  Your questions and comments are very important to us here at YDF blog, we take all of them seriously and our goal is to respond to each one quickly and honestly.  We have put into place new procedures so that this does not happen anymore.  So again, we apologize for not getting to this sooner.

Since there was no contact information given with this question, the only way we know to answer it is to post the question and answer.  (Folks we truly understand hesitation to submit your information but remember our pledge to you is that we will never share, rent, sell, spam or otherwise misuse your information.)  While we are an anonymous program it would be beneficial if you would include at least an e-mail address so that if we need to clarify something then we could contact you.

Now onto the question.

Q   How do I learn to manage my life again?

A:  Since we have only just begun our examination of the 12 Steps the most accurate and honest answer that we should give at this time is this;

By entering into a 12 Step Recovery Program you have made the right move towards recovering manageability of your life.  However, since we did not get into our situations overnight, regaining manageability of it will not come overnight either.  There is much work to be done yet before that can be truly accomplished.  We suggest that you stay with your Recovery Program, work the Steps, use the tools that have been laid at your feet, continue to read this and other sites, be honest, open minded and willing to follow direction and manageability will return to your life.

To go deeper into this subject at this time would to be rushing and we would be doing you and our other readers a great injustice if we did that.  Remember, we are not in a race.  We must take each Step in order- working them honestly and completely in order to Recover.  If we will do this, then the promises of the Program will come true in our lives.  So hang in there, work honestly and Never Give Up!

If you or anyone else would like to discuss this question further please contact us.  We are glad to work on a one on one basis.  That’s where we will end today.  We will start our highlight of Step 1 next time.

Until then ……. be sure to tell a friend about us.

Thanks for visiting us – come back soon.

Remember:  “It is what it is and “it ain’t nothing but a thing!”     

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Step 1 – Unmanageable – Ignorance Concluded

Unmanageable: difficult or impossible to control, use, or manipulate

Step 1:  We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction(s) and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable.

Welcome back folks. 

Last time we talked about our ignorance concerning the “unmanageability” of our lives.  We said that while the obvious areas of our unmanageable lives were bad, it is the deeper area that’s the most dangerous to us.

Remember, Step 1 is the only Step that must be dealt with perfectly.  There is no room for error or short cuts here.  Many of us struggled long and hard with “admitting that we were powerless”, only to breeze through the rest of the Step.   Not realizing what a dangerous and costly mistake that would prove to be. 

Many a relapse can be attributed to our “ignorance “of our “unmanageable” lives.  That is why it is vital that we gain knowledge about our “impossible to control” lives. 

Let’s put it this way “We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction/compulsive behavior, that our lives had become “impossible to control”.  Does that help you to see it?  Did the light bulb come on?  

Think about it for a bit.  That’s where we will pick it up next time.

Until then ……. be sure to tell a friend about us.

Thanks for visiting us – come back soon.

Remember:  “It is what it is and “it ain’t nothing but a thing!”