Welcome to Your Daily Fix Blog

Our primary purpose is to help others who are suffering from addictions, hurts and other destructive issues by carrying the message of Hope to them.

ATTENTION: While working through the 12 Steps is NOT a race, we realize that not everyone works at the same pace. Therefore, we offer individual assistance - just contact us.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day became a National holiday in 1971 to be celebrated on the last Monday in the month of May.  It was a day established to remember those who died serving in the military of the United States.

We here at YDFBlog appreciate ALL the men and women who serve in the US Armed Forces.   We Thank You for your service.

Today, however, we pause to pay special tribute to the thousands of men and women who gave their lives while serving in the US military.  To those individuals whom we cannot shake hands with today, we take a moment of silence to honor you.

We also want to take a minute to Thank the families of those whose loved ones made the ultimate sacrifice so that you and I could have the freedoms that we take for granted every day. Freedoms which, without their loss, would not be possible for us to have today.

Suggestion:  In the spirit of recovery, when we do our service work today, why don't we do something extra for that military widow/widower down the street?  Or for that family next door that lost their son or daughter in military service to this nation.  Wouldn't it be awesome if we really "got out of ourselves" and "showed" our gratitude for the sacrifice that their loved one made for us?

So just for today, be grateful for the freedoms that we enjoy every day in this nation and remember that it was bought with a great price.  Freedom truly isn’t Free! 

Join us again soon as we continue Denial.

Until then ....... be sure to tell a friend about us.

Thanks for visiting us - come back soon.

Remember:  “It is what it is and “it ain’t nothing but a thing!”

Friday, May 18, 2012

Living In The Lie

Faith: confidence or trust in a person or thing

Okay folks, so far we have tried to break up some hardened ground here.  In our discussions about Hope and Believe we have tried to encourage you and emphasize that;

    No matter what your circumstances or situations are, there is Hope.

    If you Believe it and work for it, you can achieve recovery.

   You have worth and you are important.

 Hopefully, our discussions thus far have softened the soil of your heart and mind and you are now ready for the next phase of this process.

Now that the soil has been broken, it’s time to shovel away the dirt and prepare the ground to lay a solid foundation for your recovery. From now on, the discussions will be a little more intrusive and will require you to “get real”.  

Think about your current situation.  Do you know or at least think that you have a problem and are ready to get help…  If so, then call, text or e-mail me now.  Do not put if off.  This is huge.

However, if you do not feel or know that you have a problem or you are not ready to accept it (denial) then continue reading.

We will define Denial as: A person's refusal to admit or accept that he or she has an addiction problem.  Denial is one of the symptoms of the illness of addiction. It is this symptom that makes recovery so difficult and must be dealt with before recovery can take place.

Addiction is an illness which convinces you that you do not have a problem.

Before confessing that we had a problem, most of us used very similar denial strategies to prove that we didn’t have a problem.  Statements like, “We don’t have a problem or that we can stop or quit anytime we want to.”  We would blame our actions on others or on our childhood issues.  We might even give into the idea that this is just the way we are, “I can’t change” or “I just can’t help myself.”  And the list goes on and on.

For those of us with a drinking problem, we tried the beer only, never drinking alone, drinking only at a designated time, etc. methods.

For those of us with a drug problem we tried deleting our dealer’s number from our phone, never going into that neighborhood, only buying on Sunday, etc.

But regardless of our excuses and varied attempts, the results were always the same.  Yet we still deny that we have a problem.

The thing is, denial blocks us from the path to recovery.  And to deny the truth is to live in a lie.  If the truth sets us free, then the lie keeps us in bondage.  Recovery is to live in the Truth. Denial is to live in the Lie.

Until we get denial under our foot, we cannot recover.

Join us next time as we continue our discussion on Denial.

Until then …….. be sure to tell a friend about us.

Thanks for visiting us – come back soon.

Remember:  “It is what it is and “it ain’t nothing but a thing!”

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


 Cartoon compliments of:  (Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc - www.reverendfun.com)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Believe - Faith

OK, I hope that you enjoyed the "comic relief."

We left "Believe" with "as we step from Believe to Faith."  Sounds easy enough.  Truth is, this is a process that requires time and work to get accomplished.

Many may think that Believe and Faith are pretty much the same.  They are not.  Many may think that you can have Faith before you Believe.  You cannot.

To believe something, we trust that what we have read, been told, etc. is true.

To have faith in someone or something, we have experienced that it is true.

Thus far, our attempts here, be defining and reinforcing words, thoughts and emotions, has been to lay the foundation for the work ahead of us.  Nothing lasts for long without a solid foundation.

In order to get from "believe" to "faith" much time and work is required and many "steps" have to be taken.  If you have not done so already, please visit our website, Your Daily Fix, and review the "12 Steps" that we will begin to discuss in depth very soon.

It is through the process of "working" these steps that we experience the difference between believe and faith.  It's one thing to have head knowledge of something.  It's quite different to experience it and have the heart knowledge of it.

Join us next time as we begin our discussion on "Denial."

Keep in mind that you are important.  You matter.  You can recover.

Until then ..... be sure to tell a friend about us.

Thanks for visiting us - come back soon.

Remember:  "It is what it is and "it ain't nothing but a thing!"